Speaking rules:

1. English is the official language of the server. You are encouraged to use this language in order to make communication easier. Anyway, you are allowed to use other languages in the text chat area but not in abusive mode. 
2. Mic-Spamming, text-Spamming and radio-spamming are strictly forbidden. 
3. Be respectful. Do not insult. 
4. Threats will not be tolerated, be it to players or admins. 
5. It's strictly forbidden to impersonate admins.
6. Political discussions are strictly forbidden on the server.
7. Do not advertise other servers.


1. Hacking/cheating is strictly forbidden, any person hacking will be immediately permabanned from the server and reported to the Valve Anti-Cheat System. 
2. If you suspect someone is hacking contact an admin. 
3. The use of map glitches is not allowed. 

1. No griefing. 
2. If an admin ask you something to abide by our rules, do it. We try to warn first but if you don’t fulfill our request you could be kicked, muted, temporarily banned or even permanently banned. 
3. Causing/Attempting a server crash will result in a permanent ban.

Zombie Mode Specific Rules:

1. No teaming. Zombies can’t help humans and viceversa. 
2. You are supposed to do your best as a zombie. If you are afk or get disconnected almost always is your turn to be a zombie, you could be warned and eventually banned. 
3. Cooperation is strongly advised. Try to cover your teammates, to wait as long as possible before activating a helicopter, a boat… 
4. Don't "edge". Avoid approaching the edges to be infected on purpose annoying everyone and runing the round and teamwork.

Punishments: Failure to comply with these rules may represent different penalties ranging from being votekicked to permabanned. This includes any other action subject at the admins discretion.

Command list

!admins= You can see if there are admins playing
!contact= A contact form will appear
!calladmin= Menu to call an admin
!guns= You will see the guns menu next round
!revote= If a votemap is in progress you can change your vote
!rules= You can see the server rules
!sd= Toggle zombies damage information
!sm <playername>= Mute a player
!su <playername>= Unmute a player
!cm= Print list of names that you have self-muted
!stopmusicStop the music
!ztele= Use it to get teleported to the spawn area
votekick (no exclamation point)= You vote to kick someone
¡nextmap= It will show the next map
¡nominate= It let you choose a map to nominate
¡rtvRock the vote
¡stopsound= Stop the weapon sounds
¡voteban= You vote to ban someone
¡votemute= You vote to mute someone
¡zmenu= Zombie:Reloaded menu

Stats commands

!rankme= Main menu Stats
!rank= Your ranking position
!top= Top players by score
!statsme= Your detailed stats
!statsme2 <name>= Detailed stats about someone else
!session= Session stats
!next= Next players in the ranking
!hitboxme= Your hits stats
!weaponme= Your weapon stats

!topacc= Top players by accuracy
!topdeaths= Top players by deaths
!tophs= Top players by headshots
!topkills= Top players by kills
!topknife= Top players by knife kills
!topnade= Top players by grenade kills
!toptime= Top players by time connected
!topweapon= Top players by weapon


¿Quiénes están implicados en este proyecto?

El proyecto está formado por un pequeño grupo de jugadores que mantienen un alto grado de amistad. La idea es sencilla, asentar un servidor orientado al modo "Escape". Consta de varias metas ambiciosas, las cuales darán al jugador de Steam una experiencia novedosa, con unas ideas novedosas, divertidas, y con la experiencia que se tiene de base.

¿Por qué ahora y no hace unos meses?

Es bien sabido, que la comunidad de Steam en el actual Counter Strike: Global Offensive no está sabiendo aprovechar bien los recursos que este puede dar. Con esto no se quiere dar la idea de que los usuarios implicados en ella lo estén haciendo mal, pues cada uno lleva su servidor a la manera que mejor le plazca, aunque en nuestro pensamientos hay ideas que puede ayudar a que la comunidad prospere gracias al proyecto que queremos ofrecer. 

¿Estará orientado a una actividad de lucro?

NO. Nuestra idea es llevar al usuario a un momento de diversión, para que, junto a otros compañeros, puedan pasar agradables ratos y se fomente la puesta en comunidad. No queremos percibir nada a cambio, aunque habrá un sistema de donaciones que será única y exclusivamente para el desarrollo del servidor (se explicará de forma más detallada como se podrá realizar esta, junto a otras acciones)

¿Cómo puedo contactar con vosotros?

A través del twitter oficial: https://twitter.com/Zeus_Escape_CS
O bien a través de nuestro correo oficial:  zeusescape@outlook.com
Zeus Forum

Ya sabéis, sed buenos y no infectéis mucho por hoy. ¡Un saludo!